Mobile Signal Booster NZ

Stop dropping calls and losing data with a cell phone booster now!

Mobile Signal Booster

What Is A Mobile Signal Booster?

A cell phone signal booster is an antenna and amplifier system that takes an existing outside cell signal, brings it inside of either a building or a vehicle, boosts up the strength of the signal, and then broadcasts the stronger signal inside.

A signal booster will make a weak signal stronger and can bypass obstacles that may be block signal, like concrete or metal walls.

Get Right Booster in 3 Steps

①   Choose Network  ( See below )

②   Choose Coverage  ( House in sq meter )

③   Choose Voice/Data 

Mobile Signal Booster NZ
Spark Boosters

Spark Boosters

Vodafone Boosters

Vodafone Boosters

2degrees boosters

2Degrees Boosters

NZ All Network boosters

NZ All Network

If not see your network, please check the Virtual network and choose the booster for network it is based on. Here’s a list of the main NZ Virtual network.


Cell phone signal boosters improve voice, text, and data signals for 10X better cell service inside any home, office, hotel, underground parking, remote area, car  where has poor signal quality.

mobile signal booster for village


mobile signal booster for office


mobile signal booster for hotel


mobile signal booster for warehouse


mobile signal booster for parking lot

Parking lot

mobile signal booster for RV


How does Mobile Signal Booster work?

How does Mobile Signal Booster work

   The outside antenna receives voice and data signal from the cell tower.

②   The signal booster amplifies the outside signal and sends it to one or more inside antennas.

   The inside antennas broadcast the amplified signal to needed areas, eliminating dead spots.

Why choose iSignalBooster?

We’ve specialized in amplifying cellular signal since 1999.

It’s not just about amplifying signal –at iSignalBooster, we make it our mission to put our CUSTOMERS FIRST.

Our Best Selling Boosters


What our customers said?

Had 0 bars inside our rural metal home. This had good reviews. Spoke with our closest neighbor and they put up a iSignalBooster system putting the at high enough to stream and game online via their cellular data. We have ours up and have 3 to 5 bars inside. I can now read emails using my cellular data. 

Richard K. / Verified Buyer

Works perfectly! 100% happy because it does exactly what I need it to do. The spot I couldn’t get calls or even texts, I am able to now with the iSignalBooster. This is the second booster I bought from them and if this one works like the first I bought, I know I’ll have many years reliable service.

Mark Jance / Verified Buyer

I live in a very rural area and we use our phones for internet, this booster made it so my kids could do their school work during the pandemic, we could watch Netflix and talk on the phone with no issues! Worth every penny! Service is good. Support has been excellent. Thanks very much!

Benjamin B. / Verified Buyer

Customers We’ve Provided Solution to Improve Mobile Signal

Customers We’ve Provided Solution to Improve Mobile Signal
Customers We’ve Provided Solution to Improve Mobile Signal

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